Who are we?

Access Connecticut is a non-profit organization of adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents and adoption professionals working to end discrimination against adoptees.

How does Connecticut law discriminate against adoptees?

Unlike everyone else, adoptees who were adopted before 1983 don’t have the right to obtain their original birth certificate from the government. (Only those adoptees who were adopted after 1983, or whose birth parents are dead, are entitled to get their original birth certificate.)

How can I help end discrimination against Connecticut adoptees?

First, contact your state representative and your senator. (Learn how here.) Ask them to support the adoptee birth certificate bill.

Second, sign up for our email newsletter and follow us on Facebook to stay informed about the progress of the bill and what you can to do help.

Did Connecticut adoptees ever have the right to obtain their true, original birth certificate?

Yes! Prior to 1975 all adult adoptees, and adoptive parents of minor adoptees, had the right to get the adoptee’s original birth certificate.